Tag Archives: Spiritual Warfare

Take Back The Years The Devil Has Stolen From You

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
I was once with a great man of God who was looking back on his life and surveying the wreckage he has seen in America.  This general in the army of God sighed deeply…

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Number One Reason

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
It threatens the church more than drugs, pornography, Islamic terror, fake news or any impending world calamity.  Left unchecked, it can’t be overstated how much damage it will do.  Yet, as dangerous as it…

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The Grace Period Is Over

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
The grace period is over for false and carnal preachers because there is too much at stake. It’s over, because protecting you from shame is not nearly as important as saving a nation from…

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Confused By The Confusion?

I think I have made it clear in my writings in the past that I won’t debate Scripture. Usually one or both parties have their mind made up and won’t be open anyway to an alternative idea, whether or not … Continue reading

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It Is Time

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
It is clear.  As madness spreads—and the church wrings its hands—it is time for the eagles to leave the turkey yard.  You know who you are.  There’s a fire inside you can’t put out. …

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Put Away Your Toys and Take Up The Mighty Weapons of God

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
Future generations of Christians—if there be any—will be profoundly baffled by us.  They will ask why—why did we let trivial and foolish matters eat up so much time?  They will agonize over our shallowness. …

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Is There A Word From The Lord For This Hour?

Originally posted on Mario Murillo Ministries:
AMERICA IS PAST HOPE AND WILL BE DESTROYED?  AMERICA IS FAVORED AND WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED?  Almost all prophetic words today shout one of those two headlines   Facebook oozes with voices claiming to be…

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Some Spiritual Practicalities

I was looking through my notes on messages I have wanted to teach on and ran across this one that I actually meant to post some time ago. As with all things though, when you “try” to serve the Lord … Continue reading

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Spiritual Soldier’s Creed

2 Corinthians 10:3-5, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every … Continue reading

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Soldiering in the Spirit Part I

Those of you who know or have known me for a while know that I love the Epistle of 1 John and most especially chapter four. My whole ministry for the most part, ever since I was much younger has … Continue reading

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