Living In the Light of Christ’s Coming – 5

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Scripture Reference: Titus 2:11-15

Until He Comes . . . – Continued

From Last Lesson: Since Christ has given Himself for us to redeem and purify us, it is for each of us to fall in with that purpose and never seek to thwart it.

In practical terms it means that lawlessness in every form is to be shunned. It means being eager to do what is good. Specifically, in the context of Paul’s concerns in chapter 2, it means following the directives that he has given for the various different groups. We are not to think for one moment that these are merely Paul’s opinions; remember, Paul was anointed in his writing by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. It may have been Paul’s pen, but it was God’s Words. The truth is far from one man’s opinion. Christ died that we might live such lives. As His redeemed, it is our unchanging obligation to fall in with that purpose, to be what He has purposed we should be; to do what He has purposed we should do, until He does return. Don’t be misled, or doubt, He will come!

Final Directives

The Apostle ends this part of his letter by again emphasizing Titus’s responsibility in regard to the various different groups he is to instruct: “These, then, are the things you should teach.” Right at the beginning of the chapter Titus is exhorted to “teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). Now that same exhortation is repeated. These details of Christian duty, with the impulses to obedience from the grace of God and the self-giving of Christ, are to be the subject of clear and careful instruction.

Paul then adds, “Encourage and rebuke with all authority.” Titus is not only to tell the Cretans how they are to live. He is to exhort and encourage them to carry his instructions out and to rebuke them for any failure to do so. And he is to do so “with all authority.” These instructions on godly living are ultimately Christ’s, conveyed to the Cretans through an apostle whom Christ has authorized to speak on His behalf. They have the backing of heaven and are to be delivered and received accordingly.

Finally, Paul says “Do not let anyone despise you.” Titus is to command the people’s respect as he labors among them as a teacher. How? By being an example of the godly lifestyle that he is preaching to others. It isn’t by lording it over others in a tyrannical way. In a similar exhortation to Timothy, Paul writes, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). Titus is to follow a similar path; “In everything set them an example by doing what is good” (Titus 2:7).

There is much here for teachers and preachers today. We are certainly to teach the doctrines of the Word of God. Doctrines are foundational. But we are also to teach the duties that correspond to those doctrines and to clearly set before our hearers what godly living looks like. We are to do so with exhortation and rebuke, urging obedience and reproving sin, and all with the authority of Christ, if it is truly Christ’s directives that we are giving. Thus we are to be at pains to model this godly living ourselves. If we are to command our hearers’ respect and gain for our message the welcome that it ought to receive, we must exemplify that message in our own lives.

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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV © 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved

About Roland Ledoux

Ordained minister (thus a servant). Called to encourage and inspire one another by teaching His Word, and through intercessory prayer for others, praying for those in need as well as the lost. I and my wife of 50+ years live in Delta, Colorado where the Lord has chosen to plant us in a beautiful church home.
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