A City Big Enough

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Saturday May 11, 2024

Revelation 21:16
The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city
with his rod, 12,000 stadia. Its length and width and height are equal.

Picture this: a city shaped like a cube that covers the United States from the Atlantic Coast to the middle of Kansas, and from Texas to the Canadian border—1,400 miles long, wide, and high. It covers about two million square miles of land; but because it’s a cube with room for about 600 “floors,” in total it has 1.2 billion square miles of living space. That’s the city the Bible calls the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2).

Sometimes people wonder whether there will be room in heaven for all the millions of believers destined to go there. Based on the above dimensions, it would appear so! The New Jerusalem is not heaven—it’s a city in heaven that will serve as the “capital” of heaven. In it are the thrones of God and the Lamb, a river of the water of life, and the tree of life: food, water, and Jesus Christ—everything needed to live forever. The question is not whether there will be room in the New Jerusalem for everyone—there will be—but whether you will be one of the “everyone.”

Jesus has invited you to spend eternity in the New Jerusalem. Have you made your reservation?

The best is yet to be.

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David Jeremiah, Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions (Tyndale, 2014)
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, ESV © 2016 by Crossway Bibles.
*Where noted, Scripture taken from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language®, MSG © 2005 by Eugene H. Peterson, NavPress.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

About Roland Ledoux

Ordained minister (thus a servant). Called to encourage and inspire one another by teaching His Word, and through intercessory prayer for others, praying for those in need as well as the lost. I and my wife of 50+ years live in Delta, Colorado where the Lord has chosen to plant us in a beautiful church home.
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