Saturday Prayer & Praise 4/13/2024

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Richard Alleine: Piercing Heaven – Puritan’s Prayers

Lord, there is but a short life between me and glory, where holy angels and glorified saints will be my associates.

I think I hear already how the morning stars sing together, and all the sons of God shout for joy.

O that I could come in!

But I was told to wait, so I will be patient until the end of my days.

It is well, Lord. Your word is enough, and your bond is as good as payment in full.

The Holy Spirit tells me that life and glory await, and that on whatever day I am let loose from the body I will land in paradise.

It is as I would have it.


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About Roland Ledoux

Ordained minister (thus a servant). Called to encourage and inspire one another by teaching His Word, and through intercessory prayer for others, praying for those in need as well as the lost. I and my wife of 50+ years live in Delta, Colorado where the Lord has chosen to plant us in a beautiful church home.
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