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Saturday March 23, 2024

Jeremiah 31:14
“My people shall be satisfied with my goodness,” declares the LORD.

In his final days, just before slipping into unconsciousness, Memphis pastor Adrian Rogers told friends by his bed, “I am at perfect peace.”

Few people leave behind “last words” now because of medication to lessen suffering and pain. But in the times before the widespread use of anesthesia, people actually planned their dying sayings in advance.

Hymnist John Newton said as he was dying, “I am satisfied with the Lord’s will.” The “Sweet Singer of Methodism,” Charles Wesley, said on his deathbed: “I shall be satisfied with Thy likeness—satisfied, satisfied!”

Sir David Brewster, inventor of the kaleidoscope, said as he passed into heaven: “I will see Jesus. . . . Oh . . . I feel so safe and satisfied!” John Calvin said as he was dying, “I am abundantly satisfied.”

It isn’t just the dying who are satisfied, of course; it should be the living, too! As Clara Williams’s old hymn says,

Hallelujah! I have found Him
Whom my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies my longings,
Through His blood I now am saved.

We love the truth as it is in Jesus; and nothing but that will satisfy us.

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David Jeremiah, Turning Points with God: 365 Daily Devotions (Tyndale, 2014)
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, ESV © 2016 by Crossway Bibles.
*Where noted, Scripture taken from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language®, MSG © 2005 by Eugene H. Peterson, NavPress.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

About Roland Ledoux

Ordained minister (thus a servant). Called to encourage and inspire one another by teaching His Word, and through intercessory prayer for others, praying for those in need as well as the lost. I and my wife of 50+ years live in Delta, Colorado where the Lord has chosen to plant us in a beautiful church home.
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