I Must’ve Sinned


Just so you all know ahead of time, my family had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day. Sue and I don’t have to think very hard about things to be thankful for in earnest.

The reason I started out by telling you that is because two days before the holiday when my wife was in the process of returning home from the store for a few last minute items, our 2003 automobile died. It worked great going and we have been blessed because even though it is aging, the Lord really looked out for us when we purchased it at a year old. We haven’t had to do anything major to it — until now! It turns out, the in-tank fuel pump went out; yep, major.

But, my wife returned home due to the kindness of a nice young mother who saw her dilemma and gave her a ride home. Okay, we’ve been in situations like this before. Our Lord has always been faithful to take care of our needs; He’s always been true to His Word.

Later that evening, my brand new one-month old computer wouldn’t start! Things not starting? Must be a cycle or something! The thing is, I had just loaded my NEW computer with a lot of things from an external hard drive that I was going to give to my son as I was going to get a larger and newer model. Guess what? I lost all that backed-up information, some of it was pretty important! I had to reformat my computer one month after getting it!

homer-oopsNow I will be honest with you; I was NOT angry, but I WAS annoyed for each of those things that happened takes a lot of time and in the case of the computer, I can do that myself but it is time consuming. In the case of my vehicle, well, let’s just say my disability will not make it easy to do IF I even try to undertake the fix. Yep, you got it, there must be some sin in my life, secret or otherwise!

Well, that is what I have been told in the past when things go wrong. Sometimes it has actually come from not just my brothers and sisters in the Lord, but from my ministry peers!! I am not exaggerating this either; I have been told certain things have happened because there is sin in my life and the Lord is trying to “discipline” me! Wow! When I was young I used to think that, but then I developed a relationship with my Heavenly Father which included communion and study of His Word!

This is what my Redeemer said in the written Word, “for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” – Matthew 5:45. Job 25:3b states this, “Upon whom does His light not rise?”

Natural things happen to ALL people, naturally! Accidents happen, items breakdown, nature pours rain or dumps snow whether you are a godly person or an outright sinner! Where did the teaching come about that if bad things (or just annoying things) happen then you must have sinned or you have secret sin in your life?

We all know what the Apostle Paul teaches us in Romans 3:10-12, As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” (Bold emphasis mine)

We ALL have to be in a constant state of repentance for repentance turns to sanctification. We live in a corrupt and carnal SHELL! We can’t escape the taint of sin outside of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ!

So, my ‘suggestion’ to you, if you are a mature Christian, or young in the Lord, and to be prepared for the things life has a NATURAL tendency to throw at you, CARRY AN UMBRELLA! (Metaphorically speaking of course). And — don’t be so quick to condemn your brother or sister in the Lord!

God bless you all so very richly and abundantly in the Lord and may you all prosper as your soul prospers!!!

About Roland Ledoux

Ordained minister, pastor, and teacher (thus a servant). Called to encourage and inspire one another by teaching His Word, and through intercessory prayer for others, praying for those in need and the lost. I and my wife of 50+ years live in Delta, Colorado where the Lord has chosen to plant us.
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6 Responses to I Must’ve Sinned

  1. thanks pastor for such a great reminder… things happen… they simply just do. Some of the ladies in our church are putting up Christmas decoration and the told me of such a very difficult day they had yesterday putting up a Christmas tree. Well, today they had to start all over setting up the same Christmas Tree because it fell over. i mean – lights smashed, ornaments broken, stage messed up. One of them said to me, “Pastor, the devil is a liar.” I said, “yes he is, but the stand you used to secure wasn’t strong enough.” Stay blessed brother!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mel Wild says:

    Good word, brother. I’m totally with you. Let’s stop acting like Job’s comforters and the “accuser of the brethren” and actually see how we can help when “life happens” to someone. You know, the troubled life Jesus promised in John 16:33. Wouldn’t that be novel! 🙂 Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love it!! I just commented to Sister Susan and stated “isn’t a wonder that we still have to “have” faith and it’s that faith that allows us meager humans to PLEASE our Heavenly Father!! God bless Brother!!


  3. Julie Harris says:

    Thank you for this great reminder!! Love the “umbrella” analogy 🙂 Your post reminds me of Romans 8:28….He is making ALL things work for His good- for His glory!! Thank you again for this timely reminder 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. paulfg says:

    Roland, I hope chuckling merrily as I read this is an “appropriate response” to your happenings. I sense a tongue-in-cheek in the writing. A car and a computer – both begin with “c” – now that is something you might want to pray over!! See what you can see in that 🙂

    And thank you. For writing some sense into the way some see (!) Their Word.

    And I like your umbrella!

    Liked by 1 person

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